Film Projects

This page features a selection of film projects that I am currently working on, as well as some which I have completed previously. For a full list of all my film, media and education work, please visit my Linkedin profile (link available at the top of this page!). The productions detailed on this platform include a workshop for Hastings Borough Council’s 1066 Festival, a reality TV style production called The Analyst that followed three groups of students as they completed a chemistry-based challenge, Eyes on London which was a radio documentary highlighting the impact of the 2012 Olympic Games communities in the East End and Together For The Goal, a film about football and fandom in Japan.

Selected Projects

  • The Art in Mind: Television logo. "Art" is spelt out using images of paint being squeezed out from a tube, a letter from a collage and a pencil and eraser respectively. The word "mind" is featured as stylised text within a cartoon image of a brain.

    Art in Mind

    I collaborated with the Brighton based organisation, Art in Mind, to help young people create tutorial videos and an online course on how art can help improve mental health and wellbeing.

  • "The Other Screen" logo on a white background. The text is black apart from the word "Other" which is in white inside a solid black rectangle.

    The Other Screen

    The Other Screen is best described as a series of events that explore, discuss and challenge representations of disabled people and the d/Deaf community in film. I am co-organiser of this project alongside artist and activist Kyla Harris.

  • A still image from the film Democracy For All, it features a figure wearing a suit and hat featuring the different colours of all the main political parties in the UK. The figure is also wearing a white mask with a surprised expression.

    Democracy For All

    An important film which inspired a number of subsequent projects in the areas of inclusivity and access, Democracy For All highlighted the obstacles that many learning disabled people experience when attempting to engage in politics and elections.